A First Look at this Beautiful Finished Cherrywood Bench

Our "Art All Around Initiative" co-sponsored by The NH Craftsmen Guild is delighted to show you the beautiful work of Gary Wood, master wood craftsman, of Canaan.  He worked with the advanced wood class (Dave Shinnlinger) to create this stunning cherrywood bench.  Look for this in our Renovated High School in a prominent spot.  

In our future, we hope to see several more created by our students!

In our future, we hope to see several more created by our students!

2015 Annual Report

We are pleased to announce our 2015 Annual Report is now available online. If you have subscribed to our electronic newsletter, watch for copies in your email. Printed copies will be available at locations in all 5 towns soon!

Please click on the report below to view the full text and learn about the generous donors and organizations who have supported Friends of Mascoma since 2014.

Friends of Mascoma is grateful to our many valuable supporters and volunteers. We welcome members of the Mascoma community across the country and around the world to start or renew their membership for 2016 and look forward to another eventful year. Together we are working to create a prosperous future for our students and community.

Mascoma Music Matters Exceeds Matching Gift Goal

Thanks to our generous donors - we did it!

An anonymous donor came to us with a challenge to raise $5000 to create an elementary school musical instrument bank to receive a dollar-for-dollar match. Beginning on November 1st, donations toward the match started to trickle in.

Our campaign received a huge shot of energy when two Mascoma Alumni, Brooks Hubbard and Hannah Hoffman, offered to play a concert that would also count toward the match. We knew they would draw an amazing crowd and needed a venue to suit. Luckily Mountain Meadow Golf Lounge and Event Center had just the place! Just when we thought things could not get much better, we found out Deciduous Brewery, co-owned by brewer and Mascoma Alum David Sakolsky, had sent up 2 kegs he helped craft. You can see a few of those brews in the photo below along with our two artist and many of the Mascoma Alumni who attended.


Nothing could stop Mascoma pride, not even a snow storm that caused events throughout the Mascoma Valley to be cancelled. Over 200 fans turned out to see Brooks and Hannah and midway through the concert we were able to announce we hit our match. Our community rose to the occasion! We even took the great Mascoma Alumni photo above. Many thanks to Mrs. Nancy Grout for the idea and for to Greg Hubbard for humoring us all to take a photo without warning or the right lighting.

Thanks to everyone who contributed by December 31st, 2015 and came to the concert we will be able to purchase, not just the original 10 instruments we set our sights on, but 11!

  • 2 flutes
  • 2 clarinets
  • 2 trumpets
  • 2 trombones
  • 2 saxophones
  • & 1 bonus instrument!

This means 11 students who many not have been able to afford to play an instrument will get a chance!

Did you miss this great event? Subscribe to our Newsletter and occasional updates [here] and follow us on [Facebook] and [Twitter]Want to help? We are always looking for [volunteers] and [donations]. Liking and sharing on social media helps too! 

Announcing: Friends Feeding Friends

FRIENDS OF MASCOMA FOUNDATION is pleased to announce our latest initiative designed to combat food insecurity: FRIENDS FEEDING FRIENDS.

Friends of Mascoma Foundation (FOM), a 501(c)(3), was formed by a group of community advocates committed to supporting the needs of the Mascoma Valley Regional School District (MVRSD). FOM provides financial support to the MVRSD on initiatives that foster educational development for our students.

Core areas that FOM focuses on are:

  • Supporting students by funding supplemental educational opportunities and scholarships.
  • Providing teachers with "mini grants" enabling them to offer additional educational programs to their students.
  • Enhancing and improving the reputation of the District by helping highlight our community’s commitment to education.
  • Supporting successful existing programs to include more students or enable more financial support to expand.

The FOM Board of Directors and other community volunteers have been busy donating time and raising money to provide teachers and children access to opportunities that are currently beyond their reach. Over the past 20 months, they have implemented student scholarship and teacher mini-grant programs (officially launching in January/February 2016), supported collaborations with community artists and craftspeople in the schools, successfully fund-raised for an elementary school warm clothing drive, instrument bank, obtained funds through grant writing, and supported previously established programs. The School Board and Administration have been very helpful in allowing FOM access and supporting their agenda.

During FOM’s fundraising and community activities, it has become very clear that the Mascoma Valley Regional School District (MVRSD) has a problem that plagues many rural and urban schools: food insecurity.

While there are many definitions to food insecurity, City Harvest (http://www.cityharvest.org/hunger-in-nyc/food-insecurity) describes it well:

“Food insecurity refers to USDA's measure of lack of access, at times, to enough food for an active, healthy life for all household members; limited or uncertain availability of nutritionally adequate foods. Food insecure households are not necessarily food insecure all of the time. Food insecurity may reflect a household's need to make trade-offs between important basic needs, such as housing or medical bills, and purchasing nutritionally adequate food.”

Over 40% of the Canaan Elementary School children and almost 30% of the Enfield Village School children qualify for free or reduced cost meals. The percentage is less in our middle and high school for many reasons, not the least of which may be children may not want to admit they lack adequate food at home.

The wonderful teachers and administrators of these schools have tried to assist by raising money and using their own money to help food insecure children get extra food to combat this issue. There are also various organizations in our 5 towns that try to make up the difference not only for children, but seniors, unemployed, disabled, and those with jobs that do not cover their food needs. In working with the teachers, administrators, and community organizations, it has become clear to FOM that this is not enough to move the District into a food secure state.

FOM, along with community volunteers, decided to take the steps outlined below to try and fill gaps where they exist:

  1. FOM became an agency of the NH Food Bank, which distributes low and no cost food to 400 agencies in NH. As an agency we established three pantries that will service the five towns.
  2. We have permission from the Enfield Selectmen to manage the Enfield Food Pantry located in the town office. This will relieve the town management of the day-to-day responsibility and recordkeeping at no cost to them.
  3. We received permission from the MVRSD to utilize a room in the renovated high school to serve as a food pantry and provide access to the children of the Indian River School and the Mascoma Valley Regional High School. This food pantry will allow teachers and administrators of these schools direct access to stores of food for at risk children at no expense to the school district.
  4. MTD Property Maintenance and Construction of Canaan has donated office space located at 9 Mechanics Street in Canaan as another location.

We hope to be operational by the beginning February depending, of course, on the second most important factor: VOLUNTEERS!

We have many people that need our help and we are asking people to donate time. We have two locations that need to be staffed currently. Our intention is to have volunteers fill the hours of operation. We now feel, upon consultation with the NH Food Bank, the Enfield and Canaan food pantries should each be open four hours per week. This entails two hours during the day, perhaps 11:00 AM until 1:00 PM, and two hours late afternoon/early evening hours, perhaps 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM. We also need the volunteers to be there 30 minutes before opening to make sure shelves are properly stocked and organized.

We know that you are very busy, but we hope that with sufficient volunteers the effort can be kept to a minimum and the results maximized.

If you feel that this issue is important to you and you want to VOLUNTEER or have questions please email FOM: at food@friendsofmascoma.org. Please indicate the days and times you are available. This will allow FOM to structure the times of operation. Please let us know of any ideas you have to help improve and expand this new and evolving initiative.

How to Donate

You may also go online to donate to FOM Food Initiative at www.friendsofmascoma.org/donate. When you check out, select "Gift in Honor or in Memory of Someone" and write in “Food Pantry” as the designation. You may also mail checks to:

Friends of Mascoma Foundation, 340 Grafton Pond Road, Enfield, NH 03748

outline Of The Problem

In September of 2014, the Economic Research Service at the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) released its most recent report on food insecurity, indicating that 48 million people in the United States are living in food insecure households, 15 million of whom are children.  While the magnitude of the problem is clear, national and even state estimates of food insecurity can mask the nuances that exist at the local level.

NH Food Bank Data

Learn more about food scarcity here in the NH Food Bank's"2014 Report to Our Community:" http://www.nhfoodbank.org//public/documents/Reporting%20to%20our%20Community_FINAL.pdf

Where do donations come from?

We are working furiously on our newsletter to wrap up the exciting last 20 months, but we couldn't wait to show you a little teaser:


Not only did our 5 Communities support us in 2014 and 2015 with generous contributions, we received contributions from supporters all over New Hampshire ........and from:

  • California
  • Connecticut
  • Illinois
  • Maine
  • Maryland
  • Massachusetts
  • New York
  • Ohio
  • Pennsylvania
  • Rhode Island
  • Tennesee
  • Texas
  • Vermont

We are working diligently on our first newsletter to bring you all up-to-date on our activities, projects, upcoming Initiatives and our donors and Take A Seat sponsors lists! Look for the very first Friends of Mascoma Newsletter soon!!!!

Mascoma Music Matters Benefit Concert was a night to remember!

It was the first snowfall of the season along with Friends of Mascoma's First Public Fundraiser!

The cause:  To start an Instrument Bank for MVRSD elementary schools.

The Entertainment:  Hannah Hoffman and Brooks Hubbard,  Mascoma Alumni Talented Musicians

The Audience:  A huge crowd of Mascoma Alumni as well as community supporters who believe in the power of music education upon student success.  We will be updating you on all of this Initiative's outcomes.

And stay tuned for our next projects and initiatives in the works……..


Some of the Alumni that came to support us----there were more there that just didn't get in the picture.           A BIG THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HELPED US WITH THIS INITIATIVE!


Mascoma Music Matters in the Valley News.

School Notes: Mascoma Graduates Perform Benefit Concert for Music Programs

By David Corriveau

Valley News Staff Writer

Tuesday, December 29, 2015
(Published in print: Tuesday, December 29, 2015)


In their latest push to build up their bank of instruments for elementary-school musicians in the Mascoma Valley Regional School District, the Friends of Mascoma Foundation had Hannah Hoffman and Brooks Hubbard at “Hello, again.”

“I was emailed about three months ago by Andrew Cushing, a fellow Mascoma alum (2008) who was on the committee and expressed his excitement about their idea for a benefit concert, and how they hoped for alumni to perform,” Hoffman, a 2010 graduate of Mascoma Valley Regional High School and a Brattleboro-based singer-songwriter, wrote in an email. “Brooks and I were his first thought. I was immediately interested and donated my performance right then and there.”

Hubbard, another 2010 Mascoma grad who attended Enfield Village School and Indian River School with Hoffman and now is based in Nashville, also signed on as soon as he heard about the Mascoma Music Matters concert, which will start tonight at 6 at the Mountain Meadow Golf Lounge and Event Center in Canaan. Proceeds from ticket sales ($5 to $10) will go toward the Friends’ initiative to match the $5,000 that an anonymous benefactor offered to donate toward the instrument bank.

“I think this is incredibly important, as important as other school studies,” Hubbard, home for the holidays, said last week. “It’s a chance for students to create something with other kids their age. ... You get to make noise and learn a skill that will continuously bring enjoyment if you let it in your heart. The bond between band students is no different than the bond between teammates on the field, and I did both. I look back with nothing but fondness of the great early days learning music and life.”

On its website, the foundation reported that by the end of last week, the bank contained one alto saxophone, two clarinets, two flutes, one trombone and one trumpet. The group’s immediate goal is to acquire another alto sax, one more trombone and one more trumpet.

“I know coming from an area where there isn’t much to do, being involved in a relatively structured creative environment can make all the difference in the world for a young person who may not have structure or an ability to express themselves in any other area of their life,” Hoffman said. “Music is therapeutic.”

Hannah Hoffman and Brooks Hubbard will perform the Mascoma Music Matters concert from 6 to 9 tonight at the Mountain Meadow Golf Lounge and Event Center. Admission is $5 to $10. For more information about the concert and about the instrument bank, visit friendsofmascoma.org or email cacusick@friendsofmascoma.org or call 603-632-4303.


Newsflash! Deciduous Brewing Company will be on tap at Benefit Concert, Dec. 29!

NEWSFLASH Thanks to Deciduous Brewing Company Co-Founder and Brewer Dave Sakolsky, we will have beer on tap created by a Mascoma Alum tomorrow night at Mountain Meadow Golf Lounge & Event Centerfor the Hannah Hoffman Music and Brooks Hubbard Music‪#‎MascomaMusicMatters‬ benefit concert. Join us for A Night of Homegrown Talent, brews and family fun.

Tickets will be available at the door until sold out (but get there early be eventually it will be standing room only). 

See More

Deciduous Brewing Company






Did you hear the good news yet? We just earned a CLARINET!

We are pleased to announce that thanks to 57 households we have earned a 2nd Clarinet for the elementary school music bank. We are at 83% of our goal and on our way toward earning a 2nd Trumpet.

An anonymous donor has pledged a dollar-for-dollar matching donation up to $5000.00! With this matching donation, your donation of $1.00 becomes $2.00, $10.00 becomes $20.00, $100.00 becomes $200.00 and so on. We are so close to receiving this generous match-- can you help? Every dollar counts!  #mascomamusicmatters

Right now we have earned the following instruments for the music bank:

  • 2 Flutes
  • 2 Clarinets
  • 1 Alto Saxophone
  • 1 Trumpet
  • 1 Trombone

PLEASE share this news to help us raise the remaining 17% to earn the $5000 match!


Learn more at http://friendsofmascoma.org/initiatives/mascoma-music-matters

Toot Toot Toot we earned another FLUTE!

We are thrilled to announce that we just hit 62% of our $5000 goal and earned a 2nd flute for the elementary school instrument bank!

An anonymous donor has pledged a dollar-for-dollar matching donation up to $5000.00! With this matching donation, your donation of $1.00 becomes $2.00, $10.00 becomes $20.00, $100.00 becomes $200.00 and so on. Right now we are just 38% away from receiving our match -- every dollar counts!  #mascomamusicmatters

Right now we have earned the following instruments for the music bank:

  • 2 Flutes
  • 1 Clarinet
  • 1 Alto Saxophone
  • 1 Trumpet
  • 1 Trombone


Learn more at http://friendsofmascoma.org/initiatives/mascoma-music-matters

NEWSFLASH: Mascoma Music Matters $5000 Matching Gift Campaign Over 1/2 Way to Goal

FRIENDS OF MASCOMA FOUNDATION is pleased to announce we have just now passed the 1/2 way point in our goal of raising $5000 to establish an elementary school music bank. Thanks to our many generous donors for helping us reach 54% of our goal!

An anonymous donor has pledged a dollar-for-dollar matching donation up to $5000.00! With this matching donation, your donation of $1.00 becomes $2.00, $10.00 becomes $20.00, $100.00 becomes $200.00 and so on. Right now we are 26% of the way toward receiving our match -- every dollar counts!  #mascomamusicmatters

Right now we have earned the following instruments for the music bank:

  • 1 Flute
  • 1 Clarinet
  • 1 Alto Saxophone
  • 1 Trumpet
  • 1 Trombone

Please help us DOUBLE this! This matching donation campaign will run from November 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015 ONLY!

Learn more at http://friendsofmascoma.org/initiatives/mascoma-music-matters

Friends of Mascoma Foundation Joins the Global #GivingTuesday Movement - Pledges to Support Mascoma Schools

PRESS RELEASE: ENFIELD, NH - FRIENDS OF MASCOMA FOUNDATION (FOM) has joined #GivingTuesday, a global day of giving that harnesses the collective power of individuals, communities and organizations to encourage philanthropy and to celebrate generosity worldwide. FOM is currently running two campaigns to support our schools:


Want to make a *sound* investment? Donate toward the creation of the Mascoma Valley Regional School District elementary schools instrument bank!

Your donation will give great returns! Students who study music in school are better students for life! Research has consistently shown that learning music is linked with higher achievement and skill development in other subjects. A gift of music is a gift of an enhanced educational experience.

An anonymous donor has pledged a dollar-for-dollar matching donation up to $5000.00! With this matching donation, your donation of $1.00 becomes $2.00, $10.00 becomes $20.00, $100.00 becomes $200.00 and so on. Right now we are 26% of the way toward receiving our match -- every dollar counts!

This matching donation campaign will run from
November 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015 ONLY!

The Take a Seat Campaign #TAKEASEAT

Would you like to honor your family, memorialize a loved one, friend or teacher, pay tribute to an individual, commemorate a special date, or honor your business? You can do this by purchasing a polished metal nameplate affixed to one aisle arm of an auditorium seat in the soon to be renovated high school. Your purchase of a nameplate helps insure the continued support of Friends of Mascoma to raise and appropriate funds to foster educational advancements within the MVRSD.

There will be approximately 500 seats available in three different price levels.

Nameplates are available until sold out.

Occurring this year on December 1, #GivingTuesday is held annually on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving (in the U.S.) and the widely recognized shopping events Black Friday and Cyber Monday to kick-off the holiday giving season and inspire people to collaborate in improving their local communities and to give back in meaningful ways to the charities and causes they support. 

Please consider including Friends of Mascoma in your giving plans this holiday season.

Donations may be made by check payable to: Friends of Mascoma Foundation, 340 Grafton Pond Road, Enfield, NH 03748 or online at www.friendsofmascoma.org/donate. Donations under $20.00 must be sent via mail.

Gifts of any size are greatly appreciated! Your donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowable by law. No goods or services are provided by the organization in return for contributions. FOM is a 501(c)(3) organization with tax ID 47-2098479.

Have a question? Contact Carol at cacusick@friendsofmascoma.org or Kate S. at kdpstewart@friendsofmascoma.org or 603.632.4303.

Thank you in advance for your support!

The Friends of Mascoma Board of Directors,
Holly, Kate S., Carol, Liz, Doug, Matt, Beth, Andrew, & Katie K.