Friends of Mascoma joined the NH Gives fun in 2016 and we have participated ever since. In 2024, NH Gives will help FOM raise money for our scholarship fund and our operations. Thanks to the generosity of our donors our scholarship program and operations have grown rapidly over the years.
Please join us on this wild 24 hour ride on
June 11th and 12th, 2024.
Ways to Help:
NHGIVES, beginning June 11th at 5 pm through June 12th at 5 pm, is an online event with real-time updates. See what the FOM team is up to on social media and at
Become a donor during NHGIVES. You can donate as many times as you choose.
Split up donations amongst all your family members or business employees/partners. Be creative. Each email address counts as one unique donor. There is prize money for most unique donors.
Be a Fundraising Champion on our NHGIVES site. Go to our NH Gives profile, click the "Fundraise" button, and follow the prompts to set up your profile. We are asking our fundraising champions to ask five friends and family members to donate during NH Gives. Last year alumni class clashes, community organizers, and past scholarship recipients chipped in to raise funds. We won a the peer-to-peer prize thanks to the active participation of our fundraising champions.
Share our posts on to your social media. Online days of giving are successful because of our social networks. Help us grow our social network by inviting your friends and family to like our Facebook and Instagram pages. Share our posts on Facebook, tweet about the NH Gives, and share your love for Friends of Mascoma. Ask others to do the same!
Show your#unselfie pride. Download the PDF sign, print it, write why you are supporting Friends of Mascoma, and post it to our Facebook page with the hashtags #unselfie #nhgives and #friendsofmascoma.
Past scholarship recipients can renew their scholarship through NH Gives. Past recipients must be currently enrolled in a higher education program. Past recipients must sign up to be a fundraising champion for FOM during NH Gives. Past recipients who wish to renew their scholarship are required to email before NH Gives to notify FOM of intent to renew and provide current contact information. Scholarship Renewal Fundraising Champions will receive 50% of the amount they have raised as a scholarship.