Please join us on this wild 24-hour ride! June 10, 5pm - June 11, 5pm 2025

Since 2016, NH Gives has been our primary vehicle to raise money for scholarships, mini grants, and operations. (The food bank is supplied with food by local charities, businesses, state agencies, and federal agencies, but paying for our staff, scholarships, and educator grants depends on our fundraising activities!)

Ways You Can Help:

  • Become a donor during NHGIVES. You can donate as many times as you choose.

  • Split donations among your family members or business employees/partners. Be creative. Each email address counts as one unique donor. There is prize money for the greatest number of unique donors.

  • Be a Fundraising Champion on our NHGIVES site. Complete the Fundraising Champion form here and we will set up your profile for you. We encourage our fundraising champions to ask at least five friends or family members to donate during NH Gives.

  • Help organize. We won the peer-to-peer prize for all of NH thanks to our fundraising champions who organized alumni class clashes, rallied past scholarship recipients, and amplified community participation.

  • Share our posts on your social media. Our fundraising is successful because of your social networks. Help us grow our social network by inviting friends and family to like our Facebook page, share our posts on Facebook, tweet about NH Gives, and declare your love for Friends of Mascoma Foundation!

  • Become a Scholarship Renewal Fundraising Champion. Past scholarship recipients can renew their scholarship up to three times through NH Gives. Past recipients who are currently enrolled in a higher education program must notify FOM of your intent to renew your scholarship by emailing to provide your current address, email and phone #. 50% of the amount you raise will be your scholarship, and you will be eligible for additional prizes. Remember to also sign up to be a fundraising champion for Friends of Mascoma during NH Gives!

Below are a few commonly requested links.