Friends of Mascoma Foundation helps award $1000 matching donor funds.

Please support the Enfield Fire Department, Enfield Emergency Services, Canaan Emergency Services, Grafton Emergency Services and their community partners this year as they work to provide Toys and Food to families in need. Your donation stay in our 5 towns! Right now Friends of Mascoma is working with them to help win $1000 in matching funds. Every dollar counts! Please contact Beth Felix or a member of the Enfield Fire Association to donate!

*Special thanks to Karol Hammer for the graphic!

An exceptional student is our inspiration! Kaylee Felix, age 10, a student at Indian River School, collects Thanksgiving dinner for MVRSD families.


Kaylee Felix is a student at Indian River School in Canaan, NH.

She was talking about the need for Thanksgiving Baskets with longtime school employee Peggy Vincent, who is a founding member of Indian River Helping Hands, a non-profit based out of the school that provides assistance to families in need.

Kaylee came up with the idea to challenge her friends to help her create 30 Thanksgiving Baskets. For each can of corn, peas, and cranberry sauce and each box of stuffing donated, Kaylee matched the item with her own money.

Undeterred by the size of the project, Kaylee presented her plan for the Thanksgiving baskets to the Enfield Fire Department, Enfield Lions Club, the Enfield Fast Squad and Friends of Mascoma Foundation and asked them to donate to help her meet her goal. These generous community organizations donated funds to help Kaylee purchase a turkey, crescent rolls, milk, a pumpkin pie, butter, potatoes, sweet potatoes, squash and boxes to pack everything in for 30 families. Kaylee shopped the store flyers for bargains and even figured out how to get a rain check from a local grocery store for the pies. No detail was spared, Kaylee insisted the boxes even have butter for the veggies, mashed potatoes and rolls and milk for the potatoes and of course enough to drink with dinner.


To put the finishing touch on her Thanksgiving vision, Kaylee recruited family and friends to join her at the Enfield Fire Station to assemble boxes adorned with a picture she drew and her “Happy Thanksgiving” message. She provided instructions to everyone packing and did a final quality check before loading the boxes to be brought to the school for distribution tomorrow evening (Wednesday, November 18th).

Kaylee’s ambitious plan at only 10 years old, while amazing, comes as no surprise to many community members. Her family has a long history of organizing charitable giving in our community. Kaylee’s grandmother, Carol Felix, is a long-time organizer for the Upper Valley Ecumenical Council Food Drive – an effort that provides boxes of food at Thanksgiving to families throughout the 5 towns in the Mascoma Valley Regional School District. Kaylee’s mother, Beth Felix, is a member of the Board of Directors of the Enfield-Mascoma Lions Club, the Enfield Fire Association and Friends of Mascoma. Beth plays a prominent role in many local charitable events – most notably the recent Warm Winter Clothing Giveaway, upcoming Annual Toy and Food Drive and Tuesday night Bingo. Kaylee can always be seen joyfully assisting her mother, father, family, teachers, and friends in serving our community.

Kaylee and her family have their ears on the heartbeat of our community and an uncanny knack for identifying needs and pairing them with resources.

Friends of Mascoma wishes to congratulate Kaylee on her great work and looks forward to working with her on future projects!

Surplus Vegetables

As gardens are winding down, Christine Jespersen’s (Family and Consumer Science Teacher at MVRHS) cooking classes are looking for surplus vegetables and fruits to preserve. Extra large zucchinis, rhubarb, and frozen berries are a few of the sought after items, however every year they try to include more vegetables into the labs. Any extras (cucumbers, beans, beets, etc.) are gratefully accepted!

Also, if you have any canning jars that you no longer want, Christine’s classes will gladly take them off of your hands. Jam and jelly size are great, but any size would be welcome. The jars will be used to make jam and jelly by the clothing and textiles students to sell as a fundraiser for their NYC trip. The fundraiser was a huge success last year and a wonderful experience for the students.

Sponsored Artist Collaboration

Mascoma Students, pictured here with local fiber artist Rebecca Powell and teacher David Shinnlinger, have constructed a loom to be used to weave a 6’ x 8’ tapestry to grace the walls of the new Media Center. The design for the tapestry was created Chris Morse’s art students under the guidance of Mrs. Powell. Over the next year, students across the District and community members will be welcomed to work on the tapestry together with the artist. Collaboration is truly the fabric of our community.


Eastman Charitable Foundation Scholarships

The Eastman Charitable Foundation will award two $1500 scholarships to graduating high school seniors living in Enfield, Grantham, or Springfield who will be continuing their education at a college or technical school. All of the local high school guidance counselors have been informed of this scholarship opportunity. More information and the scholarship application is posted on their website: