Since the program inception, Friends of Mascoma has awarded over $38,000 in mini-grants! Below is a listing of the projects along with some photographs and project information. We are proud to support our school district through this exciting program.
2019-2020-2021 School Years (combined 2 years due to Pandemic restrictions)
During 2019-21 FOM awarded $3,520 in mini-grants for projects throughout the district.
Smart wool socks to the Kindergarten classes at Enfield Village School for all season outdoor play
A scale & new backpacks for the food access/social work program at Indian River Middle School
Headphones to support virtual learning for Enfield Village School
Umbrellas for the Kindergarten classes at Enfield Village School to venture out on rainy days
A special mini-grant to the Enfield Village School playground fundraiser. Click here to learn more: https://tinyurl.com/25djaxn6
2018-2019 School Year
During the 2018-2019 school year FOM awarded just over $7,000 in mini-grants for seven projects throughout the district. Mini-grant projects in 2018-2019 included:
Gary Wood Milking Stool Project at Mascoma Valley Regional High School
Washer and Dryers at Canaan Elementary School and Enfield Village School
Reader Rewards Program at Enfield Village School
Moveable library shelving at Enfield Village School
‘Guess Who?’ board games for logic lessons at Mascoma Valley Regional High School
Project Ukulele for 4th grade students at Canaan Elementary School and Enfield Village School
Michael Kratz residency for the woodshop and art classes at Mascoma Valley Regional High School
2017-2018 School Year
During the 2017-2018 school year we awarded mini-grants to help support the following projects:
Keyboards for Chorus at CES and EVS
Lathe Expansion at MVRHS
Farm-to-School project at CES
2016-2017 School Year
During the 2016-2017 school year we awarded mini-grants to help support the following projects:
Candlestick Woodworking Project at MVRHS
History Club Trip at IRS
Batting Cage for Baseball and Softball Teams at MVRHS
Hungry Heart/ All of Me Documentaries film series at MVRHS
Author Visit with Bill Doyle at IRS
Visit with Local Author John Stadler at EVS
Pedometers for Fitness at CES, EVS, and IRS
Stand-Up Desk at CES
Welcome Back Books at EVS
Peter Pan at MVRHS
2015-2016 School Year
During the 2015-2016 school year we awarded mini-grants to help support the following projects:
Math Carnival at CES
Chicken Incubation Project at EVS
Math & Literature Night at EVS
Fashion Trip to NYC at MVRHS