Don't Forget to Join us This Thursday for MBCR

The Friends of Mascoma Foundation has been working with the UNH Extension on a project called Mascoma Builds Community Resilience since May of this year. Now is a great time to get involved! We have held monthly Zoom meetings since May and our next meeting will be on Thursday, September 30th.

Ways to get involved today—>

  1. Review what we have worked on so far: Mascoma Builds Community Resilience ( This site has the topics we’ve covered so far in our meetings, important community data, ways participants can brainstorm, and much more! We plan to brainstorm renaming the project at our September meeting.

  2. Join us for our September meeting on Thursday , September 30th from 3pm to 4:30pm. Zoom link here:

  3. Help us decide the schedule for our Fall meetings (October, November and December)! We would like more of you to be able to join us so we are considering moving the time of the meeting. Please fill out this form and let us know what days/times work best for you:

  4. Help us spread the word! Share information about this project with your friends, neighbors, co-workers, etc… The more folks that know about this project and participate the better the results will be!