Holly Howes, IRS media specialist and the Grade Five teachers of Indian River School received a mini-grant from Friends of Mascoma that enabled every student and teacher to receive a hardback copy of "The Prizewinners of Piedmont Place", Bill Doyle's entertaining book about a fifth grader's family quest to win a contest. The IRS Library Book Sales fundraising helped also. All the students knew they were going to meet the author via Skype, so they all kept questions to ask, as they were reading. And.... they came prepared. Bill told them all about being a writer and some tips, also, to help them write. The students were insightful and Bill was inspirational. Thank you donors for making very special projects like this happen.
To read more about Bill Doyle go to www.billdoyle.net .
Bill Doyle's newest book and sequel to the book the students just read. FOM donated these five books to the library and we are pretty sure they are already checked out!