Mascoma Community Rallies During COVID-19 Outbreak--Thank you!

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It has been a crazy few weeks, but we wanted to give you a quick update. Thank you to all of you have supported our work during these trying times. Each and every gift means a lot to our organization and the people living in this community! If you would like to make a gift you can do so here on our website. Your support allows us to provide food to those in the Mascoma community who need it most.

We are still meeting our partners at Willing Hands every week. And we are traveling to the New Hampshire Food Bank. Those partnerships allow us to distribute things like apples, bread, onions, eggs, and potatoes in addition to non-perishable items. With the support of local law enforcement and emergency services teams we have been able to distribute food to those who need it once a week for the past two weeks. We are preparing for week three as we write this update.

We are overwhelmed by the financial support we have received in recent weeks and the continued support of our loyal volunteers during this time. Thank you to each and every new person who has reached out to us inquiring to see if we need more help. The and health and safety of our volunteers and shoppers is our top concern so we can only have a limited number of volunteers working with us at this time. Things are changing week to week so please know we may call upon in the near future if we need additional support.

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you!

The Friends of Mascoma Team