Friends Feeding Friends & Emergency Responder Response to Covid-19 Featured in the Valley News

Click to access article on the Valley News website

Click to access article on the Valley News website

In this time of unprecedented and rapidly evolving needs, we are thankful to the Valley News for continued coverage of food resources in our area including our efforts in collaborating with Mascoma Valley emergency responders.

The Valley News hosts a complete list of Upper Valley food shelves and ongoing Covid-19 coverage free on their site as a resource for our wider Upper Valley neighbors.

Friends of Mascoma will continue with food packages for the foreseeable future. We are excited to be offering another strong selection this week with a few hard-to-find items that we have sourced and purchased thanks to the generosity of our donors. Our pantry operations costs have significantly increased over prior years and we expect needs to continue to increase as we enter the second half of April.

You can chip in to help from the safety of your home by donating online.

If you or another Mascoma Valley resident you know needs information on food resources, please share our Friends Feeding Friends program news and updates with them.