FOM Receives a Grant from the Saul O Sidore Memorial Foundation


We are pleased to announce that our Friends Feeding Friends program has received a $4,000 from the Saul O Sidore Memorial Foundation.

A first-generation American, Sidore was born in New York City in 1907. After losing his job during the Great Depression, Sidore and his future wife May Blum joined her parents in founding the Juvenile Knitting Mills. The family’s enterprises moved to New Hampshire in 1940, and by 1955 Sidore was president of Brookshire Mills and Pandora Industries of Manchester.

Sidore’s business practices reflected his ethical principles and his interest in providing security for his employees. He pioneered a profit-sharing plan, instituted a pension plan, founded a scholarship loan fund to help his employees send their children to college, and he was the first employer in New Hampshire to hire an industrial psychologist and institute insured hospitalization benefits for employees. Sidore, who encouraged employees of all levels to participate in business decisions, created a joint committee of executives and employees to discuss their issues, and held quarterly meetings with all employees to discuss the company and its future.

Sidore was the owner of the Manchester Free Press, a member of the New Hampshire Advisory Committee to the United States Commission on Civil Rights, active in Manchester’s Jewish community, and was a driving force in support of the ideals of humanity and brotherhood throughout New Hampshire.

We are very excited for this new partnership!