FOM Distributes 90+ Holiday Boxes in December


A few months ago, before we even executed our Thanksgiving boxes with MANY community partners sharing much of the work, we had the idea that we were going to do holiday boxes in December. We knew this would be tricky to pull off, but we also knew there would be a need so we put our heads down and got to planning!

We wanted folks to have something special for the holiday so we set out to find hams. Our friends at the NH Food Bank suggested we contact some of the local smoke houses. Our Executive Director made some calls and we ordered 100 hams from Green Mountain Smoke House! One committed volunteer organized the box preparations (Lana Evans) and another (Dan Kiley) picked up the hams from Green Mountain Smoke House in Windsor, Vermont.

Russell Holland (a past FOM Scholarship recipient) and Braden Holland helped our lead volunteer Lana Evans pack the boxes.

Canaan, NH Fire Department & Emergency Management graciously handed out the majority of the boxes on Sunday and a crew of FOM volunteers distributed the remainder in Enfield. And voila!-- 90+ boxes were put out into the community. Many hands make light work. Thank you to all who helped FOM pull this off!
