Exciting Grant Announcements!


The Friends of Mascoma Foundation is happy to report that we received two new grants in 2020. As a small, but growing organization, FOM is focused on sharing our story, growing our donor base, and diversifying our funding streams. This year, we explored new grant partnerships. Not every application we applied for was funded, but we are pleased to share two of our success stories!

This fall we were approached by the Arthur Ashley Williams Foundation, a family foundation based in Massachusetts with ties to the Mascoma Valley region. They were impressed with our work and encouraged us to apply for support. We submitted an application in October and received notification in December that we had been granted $6,000 in unrestricted support.

In December we also learned that the Friends of Mascoma Foundation had been awarded a 3 year unrestricted grant, for a total of $30,000 over three years, from the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation. The New Hampshire Charitable Foundation is New Hampshire’s statewide community foundation, founded in 1962 by and for the people of New Hampshire. They have been one of our biggest cheerleaders and we are very excited to partner with them in this way. This grant opportunity had been on our radar and we worked hard to qualify for the application process. This grant is made possible by gifts from the following fund(s): Bio X Cell Fund, Lubbe Family Fund, Rosebud Fund.

Thank you to everyone who made these grants possible! As we grow financial sustainability and financial independence are among our top priorities. Each new partnership and grant opportunity helps us continue on this path to financial sustainability and independence.