Update on Mascoma Builds Community Resilience Project--Get Involved Now!

As you may or may not know we have been working with the UNH Extension on a project called Mascoma Builds Community Resilience.  We are using ‘resilience’ as a broad term and realize it is a bit ambiguous. The context of the project is rural communities emerging from the COVID-19 Pandemic and working together within their community to gather information, make organizational connections, apply lessons learned and re-emerge as a stronger community.  We have had three virtual meetings so far, but you can get involved at any time. Below is some more information and a few ways to get involved now!

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We are trying to reestablish community post-COVID-19 and the voices of the Mascoma community together. Some of what we are working on:
• Building a regional team of partners and community members interested in building resiliency in the Mascoma region
• Coming together as a community to learn about each other, our assets, and where to go from here
• Beginning to identify ways to build resiliency in community and how to take action as part of a regional team


Ways to get involved today—>

  1. LAST CALL FOR THE SNA: As part of the Mascoma Builds Community Resilience project, we are conducting a Social Network Analysis (SNA) to better understand what organizations are currently collaborating with each other in the region and at what level. Please fill out our quick survey to help us see who you are already connected to in the Mascoma region: https://unh.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_ekXzAAyvw0YgGaO This survey will close on Friday August 6th.

  2. We are trying to get a better understanding of what ‘community’ means to folks generally and specifically what they like (or do not like) about the Mascoma Valley Region. Please answer the three questions on the form here: https://forms.office.com/r/2dqgiLvEhA

  3. Help us spread the word! Share information about this project with your friends, neighbors, co-workers, etc… The more folks that know about this project and participate the better the results will be!

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out to Eula at elkozma@friendsofmascoma.org.