Update: New Pantry Operations Effective July 7th 2020

An Update on Friends Feeding Friends Food Distribution

June 16, 2020

Next week, June 23rd will be the LAST week the Friends of Mascoma is distributing food through the pre-registration system with local law enforcement and emergency services we have had in place since March.  We will close all food distribution operations for one week and REOPEN on Tuesday July 7th in Enfield and Wednesday July 8th in Canaan.  Here is what the new set up will look like:

·       Walk up only.  No pre-registration is required.

·       All shoppers and volunteers must have a mask.  If you do not have one, one will be provided to you.

·       All shoppers are to practice appropriate social distance guidelines.

·       Enfield Pantry: Tuesdays from 4pm-6pm behind the Enfield Police Station out of the EPD garage bay

·       Canaan Pantry: Wednesdays from 4pm-6pm at the FOM and MTD garage bays

·       Who are these pantries for?: Our pantries are open to anyone in need of a 3-day supply of groceries that lives in one of the 5 Mascoma Valley Towns: Canaan, Dorchester, Grafton, Enfield and Orange.

·       How often can someone visit the curbside pantries: Once a week at either location.  If you cannot make it to either location during those hours and don’t have a family member or friend who can pick up for you, please call 603.632.4542 or email elkozma@friendsofmascoma.org our Executive Director Eula Lee Kozma. 

·       If you are not able to physically get to the either location due to health reasons or other serious matters please call 603.632.4542 or email elkozma@friendsofmascoma.org our Executive Director Eula Lee Kozma.  Special arrangements will be made on a case by case basis. 

·       What information is required: If you are a new pantry shopper, for statistical tracking purposes, we ask many questions. They are simple questions that do not require any paperwork on your part. Please come prepared to verbally let us know the name of your head of household, date of birth, relationship to head of household, and town and state of residence for each member of the household, as well as the number of and ages of all people in the household. If you are an existing pantry shopper we may confirm a few details, but you will not have to answer all questions again.

·       A note on safety: The Friends of Mascoma Foundation is following guidelines from the CDC as well as normal food handling and safety procedures. All staff and volunteers are practicing physical distancing of six feet or more, and signage encourages all pantry shoppers to do the same. All staff and volunteers are participating in mandatory health checks upon entering the building each day; anyone who presents with symptoms of COVID-19 or who has been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 is asked to self-quarantine before returning to the pantry. Pantry volunteers are wearing gloves when handling food, and they are wearing cloth masks when in the same room with other people or when stocking the pantry. We have set up hand sanitation stations inside our regular pantry and practice proper hand washing. Per the CDC and the FDA: “Currently there is no evidence of food or food packaging being associated with transmission of COVID-19.”