FOM Using Curbside Food Distribution

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The Friends of Mascoma Foundation just completed our 4th week of curbside food distribution efforts. We have learned a few things each week and we make improvements to our systems as we go. Thank you so much to all of our behind the scenes and shift volunteers. Getting a new model of distribution up and running is not easy and our team has been great at making adjustments.  We know this is hard work on these hot days and we truly appreciate each and every one of you!  

We’ve been able to offer items from Willing Hands and the NH Food Bank.  Community members with gardens as well as Open Woods Farm and Shaker Gardens have been donating produce to us as well. We also have an exciting opportunity from the NH Food Bank to support local farms that will be starting in August.  Stay tuned for more details on that!

We will continue with the curbside model for the foreseeable future. Here is the schedule:

Enfield: Tuesdays from 4pm-6pm behind the Enfield Police Department

Canaan: Wednesdays from 4pm-6pm out of the FOM and MTD Garage Bays

For more details please visit: