Friends of Mascoma Partners with The Cornucopia Project

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We are very excited to partner with our friends at the Cornucopia Project on this special project. This week, Friends of Mascoma Foundation picked up some of their NEW Sunflower Kits to distribute to classrooms at both Enfield Village School and Canaan Elementary School. Cornucopia is doing some great work and they have three new planting kits designed for classrooms available on their website: or get a sneak peak below.

Students will learn how to germinate a seed then how to take care of seedlings once they have matured. Grow sunflowers in the classroom to then plant at school to make a “Sunflower House”, or send them home with students to be planted elsewhere.

About this lesson
Students will learn how to germinate a seed then how to take care of seedlings once they have matured. Grow sunflowers in the classroom to then plant at school to make a “Sunflower House”, or send them home with students to be planted elsewhere.

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What’s included

  • Materials
    Sunflower seeds
    Growing instructions

  • Lessons include complete instructions, storybook, and accompanying discussion questions, follow up activities including plant care

  • Students may bring the sunflowers home or follow the instruction to create a Sunflower House in your schoolyard.

  • Visit the sunflower house for circle times, to learn about insects and pollinators, to observe growth, etc. Enjoy!

Ages: 2-5
Duration: 30 minutes
Location: Classroom
Season: Spring
Price: $35